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Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
University of Pécs
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Registrar's Office announcement - Late registration period

Late Registration: extended until 26.02. 2021.
Late course registration: extended until 15.03. 2021.

Request for late activation, Request for late course registration, and Request for late course dropping are subject to charges!   

The amount is for the late activation: 5000 HUF.

The amount is for the Request for late course registration and Request for late course dropping: 1000HUF/ item.

To be able to pay, first you need to create this payment by yourself in Neptun. Log into Neptun and go to Finances/Payment, then click on to Transcribe item. In pop up window, choose: Payment titles : Service (1); Terms: current semester (2); Service type: type of request (3) After click on Create item. 
When you created the item, you can pay through Neptun System with bank card or at any cashier at the university.  

These requests can ONLY be submitted through Neptun Educational System (Administration -  Requests -  Requests to be completed menu)!