Design your own Eco-House! Competition for Secondary Schools of Architecture
Development and implementation of a three-round competition on eco-energy efficient architecture with the participation of students teams from hungarian secondary schools of architecture.
The competition is based on the strategic partnership of the secondary and higher education institution. The key players from the two institutions are the developer and team member of the program:
The organisations team are young university students studying at the University of Pécs, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology: Kristóf Horváth - team leader; Máté Tolnai IT specialist, Viktória Torma video – photo specialist, and one Secondary school student: Pálma Dudás.
The supervisors are: dr. Bernadett Mészáros senior lecturer of the Faculty and Jószef Szaffenauer architect, director of the Pollack Secondary School.
Professional members of the competition jury from the university side: dr. Attila Béla Széll associate professor, architect, dr. Attila Fülöp is an associate professor, civil engineer.
The program's technical and application assistant: Katalin Dudás Kószó, managing expert.
Awareness-raising actions: The entire competition significantly increases environmental awareness among the target group and their teachers and shows the importance of eco-conscious architecture.
Capacity building: The tasks of the competition and the preparation of the supporting materials necessary to solve them practically also build educational capacities, the preparation of the contestants in terms of the topic involve the architecture teachers as mentors.
Innovative solutions or pilots for testing innovative solutions: In secondary school, traditional architecture is not part of the compulsory curriculum. Today, when people talk about eco-architecture, they usually mean over-engineered, modern energy-conscious homes ( zero energy houses). So, the fact that a house can be energy-efficient while being built with environmentally friendly materials and using modern building technology is unfortunately not a basic knowledge in high school or university courses. This presupposes both subject knowledge and a different (environmentally friendly) mindset. That's what makes it so great because it teaches us, and through that, we hope, engages us in this way of thinking. Learning about traditional technologies in today's world: learning about the tools, techniques, and materials of sustainability, eco-awareness, and energy efficiency, and arousing interest in the construction of eco-energy efficient buildings.
Participatory processes aimed to engage with different groups of people: The affected target groups really actively participate, acquire knowledge, and are active participants in the process. (the middle-aged generation educates the young, the 15-19-year-olds, but during the presentations, the university students, 19-23-year-olds also come into contact with the project through the extensive presentation of the award ceremony and the results, the professionals working in the construction industry as adults also get involved, the process itself, which connects the generations, amplifies the impact of the project)
Development and implementation of a three-round competition on eco-energy efficient architecture with the participation of students teams from hungarian secondary schools of architecture. Method: team competitions, tasks, rounds, selection, competition.
Rules: Several teams can participate from one school, and one mentor teacher can nominate several teams.
I.First round - submitted ideas are reviewed, proposals are formulated, advice is given to the teams – head coach: József Szaffenauer
II.Second round (still with the participation of all teams) - evaluation of plans, presentations - jury: József Szaffenauer, Béla Attila Széll (associate professor, architect), Fülöp Attila (associate professor, civil engineer)
III.Third round - final - with personal participation: design, presentation, model, jury: József Szaffenauer, Béla Attila Széll, Attila Fülöp)
This program was implemented in frame of EUTEENS4GREEN , 2021CE160AT032 grant „Design your own EcoHouse.
This program was implemented with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the EU Teens 4 Green consortium and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.