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Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
University of Pécs
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Urban Systems Engineer (MSc)

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
Degree: Urban Systems Engineer (MSc)
Duration of training: 4 semesters (full-time training, part-time training)
Language of instruction: Hungarian

Description of the programme:

The course is aimed at people with a degree in urban design, architecture, engineering, geography, or a related discipline in the built environment; it uniquely combines the disciplines of architecture and urban design, and creates the skills necessary for the development of urban living. The programme is aimed at professionals and academics with an interest in the evolution and development of a settlement, bridging the traditional gaps between old settlement models and the modern city, architecture and people, regional identity and tradition, practice and research.

The course provides specialist training in urban design, contemporary urban design theories and urban management, as well as how to approach and understand the issues related to architecture and cities – highlighting the importance of taking an approach which doesn’t just focus on design. An urban planner works in creative ways to transform our cities, developing master plans to create a built environment for living in.


known authority,  workshop, young designers, complex planning, urban workshop, contemporary projects, environment – aesthetic, good communication skills, good analytical skills, practise possibility abroad

Location of the education: Institute of Architecture Engineering, University of Pécs Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Boszorkány u. 2, H-7624 Pécs, Hungary

Month of entry:


For more information, please contact:

Dr. Viktória Baracsi
senior lecturer
Institute of Architecture
University of Pécs, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
Phone/Fax: +36 72 503 650 / 23811