Lecture about scientific research questions and publishing opportunities
Professor Liam (William) O'Brien, PhD, P.Eng of Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada will be giving a lecture on scientific research questions and publishing scientific papers opportunities for doctoral students and their supervisors.

WHO will be the lecturer?
Professor O’Brien is one of the world leading scientist in building science (citations: over 7000, h-index: 43, i10-index: 109).
On May 18, 2023, from 13:15 to 14:45.
The lecture will cover eg. following topics:
How to formulate the appropriate research question?
How to design the research?
How to publish the results in a reputable scientific journal?
How to select the appropriate journal?
What are the most important components of a journal publication?
What is the primary difference between an original research article (IMRAD) and a review article?
Room A217, 2nd floor, Main Building, Boszorkány út 2, Pécs.
Attendance is mandatory for all doctoral students (DLA and PhD).
Moreover, all individuals who are interested are welcome to attend, including master's students who are interested in a research track and considering applying to the Breuer Marcel Doctoral School.