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Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
University of Pécs
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Figyelem,újabb lehetőség kreatív hallgatók számára!

Join the 4th Annual CleanTech Challenge!

What is CleanTech Challenge?
• A global business idea competition run annually by London Business School (LBS) & University
College London (UCL)
• Invites students from across Europe and around the world to submit their clean technology business
ideas and receive mentoring and judging.
• Provides free professional advice and feedback to participants on their ideas and business plans
throughout the competition.
• Awards a £10,000 cash prize to the winners!

A dokumentum letöltésével,bővebben informálódhatsz a reészletekről!

Minden kedves vállalkozó szellemű jelentkezőnek,sok sikert kívánunk!