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Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
University of Pécs
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Beihai University of Arts and Design, Beihai, China

Beihai University of Art and Design has been cooperating with the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of the University of Pécs since 2016 in the field of architecture and architectural art. 

The University is located in China, in the city of Beihai. It was established in 2000, specialized in art and design, and has currently more than 12 400 students.

Main areas of cooperation:

1)      „Pécs Class Program”

The Universities have jointly developed a training program covering two academic years in order to provide high-quality prerequisite training for the students of Beihai University applying to the Architecture major of the University of Pécs.

During the two years of training, we provide English language classes in a high number of hours, offer practical courses focusing on creativity and visual communication and integrate professional courses from the first year of the one-tier master’s training curriculum of the Faculty.

Students who successfully complete the two-year training have a better chance of being admitted to the one-tier Architecture training and may gain time advantage by having their previous studies in Beihai recognized and thus shortening the period of their training.

Designated teachers at the University of Pécs involved in the training:  

Dr. Jin XIN, senior lecturer

Dr. Jin Xin is the lecturer overseeing visual communication and creative design skill-training courses (Animation, Digital graphics, media)

Prof. Dr. Ákos HUTTER full professor, architect

Professor Hutter teaches architectural design and construction courses within the frames of the Pécs Class training program.

Further lecturers at the University of Pécs contributing to the training: Prof. Dr. Gabriella Medvegy, Prof. Dr. Bálint Bachmann, Dr. András Greg, Dr. Tibor Dányi


2)      „UP FEIT Scholarship of Excellence”

The two Universities established the Scholarship of Excellence program for students in 2019. It is available to 3 students attending the training and may be awarded to the student(s) with the best performance at the entrance examination.  The aim of this project is to offer a scholarship to students participating in the „Pécs Class Program” in order to motivate them to provide an outstanding performance at the admission interview.