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University of Pécs
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Kortárs családiház - hallgatói pályázat

Idén ismét meghirdetésre került a Kortárrs Családi Ház hallgatói pályázat a - Great villas of Europe szervezésében. Az idei pályázat témája: Egy új hagyomány alapjai

A FOIBOS BOOKS Praha cseh építészeti könyveket kiadó és kiállításokat rendező cég a korábbi évek gyakorlatát folytatva 2013-ban is megrendezi az építészetet hallgató diákok kortárs családiház-tervező versenyét a Visegrádi Négyek országaiban.

A verseny itthoni szakasza kétlépcsős. 

Első fázisban a felkért építész iskolák belső pályázatokat írnak ki, melynek során 3-3 tervet kiválasztanak és neveznek az országos versenyre. 

Második fázisban az így összegyűlt 21 tervet a magyarországi zsűri értékeli és kiválaszt 3 tervet, amit továbbít a nemzetközi pályázatra. 


A fontosabb határidők: 

- kari pályázat lezárása: 2013. március 29.

- országos pályázat lezárása: 2013. április 22. 

- nemzetközi pályázat beadása: 2013.április 30.

Contemporary House (Czech, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Slovenian, respectively): Through the Eyes of Young Architects 2013 /Conditions of Competition/

1. Contemporary House Through the Eyes of Young Architects is international competition to be held for students of architecture from the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia.

2. Competition will take place at respective faculties of architecture and universities with architectural studies.

3. Decisive condition of participation is to have an original creative concept. Both individuals and student teams can participate but each team would be represented maximum by two authors.

4. Objective of competition is to create competitive plan of a family house for four-member family (see Article 14 – content of the project). Purpose of the competition is to find architectonic solution for contemporary requirements being able to reflect national characteristics of historic and modern residential architecture.Organizers deliberately refrain themselves from promulgating further thematic restrictions on competition projects.

5. In each of the respective countries competition will be organised by respective faculties of architecture which:a) nominates responsible person of the competition at the faculty and in case of receiving not less than 5 competing applications organises competition of the faculty (faculty round)b) deadline of faculty rounds will be March 29, 2013c) nominates professional panel (of not less than 3 members) with one alternate for evaluating submitted applications and announces the results of faculty rounds of the competitionpanel is allowed to award maximum 3 prizes and one appreciation, while one or more of the prizes can be omittedd) organises presentation of results in respective sites of faculties (universities)

6. In case of two or more participating faculties of respective countries these faculties organise transmission of projects awarded at faculty competition with exhibition panels and required documentation to national centre of the competition (which is one of the concerned faculties of the country chosen after mutual agreement) not later than April 22, 2013 and nominates one member and one alternate to the nationwide professional panel.

7. In case of omitting competition of the faculty (faculty round) albeit receiving one to four projects from students of respective faculty, the faculty will send those projects to national centre of the competition (see Article 6);nevertheless the faculty does not nominate member to the nationwide professional panel.

8. Professional panel of the national competition (composed of panellists nominated by each of participating faculties of respective countries) will evaluate all the projects awarded in competitions of faculties (faculty round) as well as individual projects sent for the competition by faculties where competition of the faculty (faculty round) was omitted and finally will proclaim results of national competition.

9. Session of the national panel should be held on the site of the preliminary agreed faculty which will become organiser of competition finals and exhibition;a) In case of lacking finances competition will be evaluated by means of correspondence (individual works will be transmitted electronically);b) In case of failing for any reason to realise national round of the competition and/or exhibition, respective faculties could electronically send winning projects straight to the main organiser of the competition FOIBOS BOOKS Praha providing international panel to designate winners.
10. Faculty charged as organiser of national round of the competition will send results of national competition and awarded projects to the address of the main organiser of the competition FOIBOS BOOKS Praha not later than April 30, 2013. Costs of sending these projects will be reimbursed by the main organiser of the competition FOIBOS BOOKS Praha.

11. National panel is allowed to award maximum 3 major prizes and to bestow maximum 2 appreciations of the panel.

12. Awarded projects of national competitions will form a basis for international exhibition and workshop to be held in Kosice (Slovakia) in May 2013.

13. Winners from national competitions of Visegrad countries and Slovenia (i.e. 1-2 students from each of the countries awarded with 1st prize) together with professors of winners’ faculties from national competitions (i.e. 1 professor from each of the countries) will participate at the three-day workshop in Kosice. Costs of the workshop (fares, accommodation, food) will be paid by the main organiser of the competition FOIBOS BOOKS Praha.

14. Project content:situation M = 1:1000 (eventually 1:500)layouts, segments M = 1:100 (visualisation of outside and insideauthor’s report max. 1000 characterstexts and descriptions both in native and English languagesexhibition panel (Kappa desk) in format: B1 700x1000 portrait3 D model – three-dimension model M = 1:50 underlay 700x500Competitor is obliged to properly fill application using the prescribed form (see Attachment), to sign and personally submit together with exhibition panel and required documentation (both printout and digitalised versions on CD/DVD), respectively to send by mail.

Special provisions
1. Promoters of international competition “Contemporary House” of Visegrad countries and Slovenia maintain the right in needful cases to modify conditions of competition concerning process and/or results of competition of the faculty (faculty round).
2. The whole project counts on travelling exhibitions presenting abroad creation and results of the competition. Therefore exhibition models and panels will remain at disposal of Foibos Books even after having finished the competition.

Main organiser of the competition:
FOIBOS BOOKS PrahaBartoškova 26140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
Prague, October 1, 2012