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Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
University of Pécs
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

9th World Congress on Materials Science and Engineering

Konferencia ideje: 2017. június 12-14.
Konferencia helyszíne: Róma, Olaszország

We invite all to this excellent international materials science conference Materials Congress 2017 with great scientists including Prof Robert Huber Nobel PrizeChemistry, from all over the world and sharing new and exciting results in Materials World. This exciting and fruitful conference program includes plenary lectures, poster presentations, symposia, workshops on a variety of topics and various programs for participants from different countries around the world. business development executives, institutional investors, capitalists and corporate investors. This enables in arranging private OnetoOne meetings with other elite business representatives which increases your chances of Marketing in this networking World. Also Materials Congress 2017 provides exhibition opportunities for industries to showcase their products and services with Materials Science applications.
