Management Board
Dr. Csaba Leitol PhD Research Fellow Interim Head of Department
Teachers, Lecturers, Instructors
Anita Dolgosné Dr. Kovács PhD Associate Professor Vice-Dean for Education
Dr. István Szűcs, candidate of sciences Associate Professor
Office Hours:
Tuesday am 9-10 B307
Dr. Tibor Kiss, candidate of sciences Senior Research Fellow
Office Hours:
Consultation hours: Friday 10:00-11:00 am in office B036, and on appointment by telephone/email. E-mail your question or request to set up a consultation appointment to:
Dr. Ernő Dittrich PhD Senior Lecturer
Office Hours:
Wednesday pm 3.30 - 4.30 Buliding "B" Room 003
Prof. Dr. András Várhegyi, candidate of sciences Professor
Office Hours:
Wednesday pm 3:30-4:30 P014 (Rókus street)
Dr. Tibor Pécz PhD Senior Research Fellow
Office Hours:
Consultation is every Monday from 8.00 to 9.00 am on the tuitional weeks in the Spring Semester of 2024-2025 at the office B007 on the floor. Please write an e-mail for preliminary consultation.