Mária Eördöghné Dr. Miklós PhD habil. Associate Professor Chair Phone: +36 72 503 650 / 23869 E-mail: eordoghne.maria@mik.pte.hu Office: Boszorkány street 2 B108 Datasheet Dr. Adél Heidecker DLA Assistant Professor Chair Phone: +36 72 503 650 / 23658 E-mail: heidecker.adel@mik.pte.hu Office: Boszorkány street 2 B327 Datasheet Dr. Balázs Tukora PhD Associate Professor Chair E-mail: tukora.balazs@mik.pte.hu Office: Boszorkány street 2 B205 Datasheet Dr. Balázs Tukora PhD Associate Professor Academic staff member E-mail: tukora.balazs@mik.pte.hu Office: Boszorkány street 2 B205 Datasheet Norbert Hunor Kovács Student delegate E-mail: kovacs.norbert.hunor@pte.hu Datasheet Ákos Szeledi Student delegate E-mail: szeledi.akos@pte.hu Datasheet Norbert Dudás Student delegate E-mail: dudas.norbert@pte.hu Datasheet Nagyító Fekete nagyító átlátszó háttérrel Organizational Structure of the Faculty Leadership of the Faculty Committees Academic Appeals and Credit Transfer Committee Council of Student Research and Art Societies Education Committee Feedback Committee Grants and Scholarships Committee Quality Management Committee Scientific Committee Talent Development Committee Dean's Office Centre for Dual Studies and Continuing Education Centre for Foreign Languages for Technical Purposes Centre for International Programmes and Relations Dean’s Secretariat Engineering Training Center IT Support Office Marketing Office Referees Registry Office Marcel Breuer Doctoral School Announcer of research topic Core member Emeritus member Instructor Supervisor Institute of Architecture Department of Architecture and Urban Planning Department of Building Structures and Energy Design Department of Interior, Applied and Creative Design Department of Visual Studies Institute of Information and Electrical Technology Department of Automation Department of Electrical Networks Department of Networking and Cybersecurity Department of Systems and Software Technologies Department of Technical Informatics Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions External Department E.ON External Department Institute of Smart Technology and Engineering Department of Building Services and Building Engineering Department of Civil Engineering Department of Engineering Mathematics Department of Engineering Studies Department of Environmental Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering Körber Technologies External Department Units of the University Library PTE Politechnika Ltd. Student Union