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Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
University of Pécs
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Dr. Attila Béla Széll DLA habil.
Dr. Attila Béla Széll DLA habil.
Associate Professor
Professional CV


Name: Dr. Attila SZÉLL 

Place and Date of Birth: Pécs, Hungary, 17th of October 1967 

Citizenship: Hungarian 

Occupation: Architect; Associate Professor at the University of Pécs (UP), Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (FEIT), Institute of Architecture, Department of Building Structures and Energy Design 


Qualification: Master in Architecture (1995); Architectural Engineer (1989) 

Academic Degree: Habilitation (2013); Doctor of Liberal Arts in Architecture (DLA) (2006) 


(at Hungarian Collection of Scientific Publications (MTMT) 

ORCid ID: 0000-0002-5651-8592   

Scopus Author ID: 57188960238 



English: without certificate, basic, conversational level 

Russian: without certificate, basic, conversational level  

Gypsy (lovári) state-recognized language exam in Gypsy (lovári) language, intermediate level (B2) 

(certificate No: 475407) (2004) 

Hungarian: Native Language 



1988 Gloucestershire College professional study trip, in the county of Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, for one month 

1991 Graz University of Technology professional study trip, in Graz, Austria, for two weeks  



2007- Associate professor at the University of Pécs (UP), Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (FEIT), Institute of Architecture, Department of Building Structures and Energy Design  

2004-2007 Assistant professor at the University of Pécs, Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering, Institute of Architecture, Department of Design and Architecture 

1995-2004 Assistant lecturer at the University of Pécs, Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering, Institute of Architecture, Department of Design and Architecture 

1989-1995 Departmental engineer at the University of Pécs, Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering, Institute of Architecture, Department of Design and Architecture 



  • Course Director in the Graduate Programmes of the Faculty (UP Neptun data):  

Design of supporting structures, Computer modeling - Sketchup, Design of buildings with special supporting structures, Computer Modeling - Sketchup II., Complex building structures, Support structures and materials science, Structural knowledge  

  • Other instructed courses in graduate training (current information) (UP Neptun data): 

Structural issues and protection of historic buildings I., Methodology of designing historical and modern supporting structures III., Design and reconstruction of building structures, Parametric modeling, Applied visual knowledge 2., Design and development of building structures, Building Structures Studio 6., Complex design 2., Complex design 4. 

  • Supervison of doctoral students at the University of Pécs, Marcel Breuer Architectural Doctoral School 

Réka SÁRKÖZI (50%) (PhD) (2019), Balázs KÓSA (50%) (DLA) (2014), Ákos HOFFECKER (DLA) (2013), Krisztina PAP (50%) (DLA) (2021), Judit ALBERT (PhD) (expected graduation: 2024), Katalin SZOMMER (50%) (PhD) (expected graduation: 2023) 


Students' Research Association competitions (TDK, ÚNKP, Kriszbacher I Scholarship): 

  • ÚNKP: Réka SÁRKÖZI, The influence of the built environment on young people (2017); 

  • KIÖ: Diana SENASI, Origami architecture (2015); Gábor GAZDAG, Single wavelength (2019) 

  • OTDK: National Scientific Student Conference, Architecture Section, Supervising student: Diana SENASI (2015)(III. PRIZE) 

  • TDK: Scientific Student Conference, Architecture Section, Supervising students: Tamás NAGY (2015) (II.PRIZE), Diana SENASI (2014)(I.PRIZE), Gábor GAZDAG (2019)(III.PRIZE), Bálin VÁGÓ (2013) (II. PRIZE), Szilvia MÓZES (2015) (III. PRIZE) 

  • Supervised Final Design Projects since 2010: 140 (8 Award winner) 




2005 SZÉLL MŰVEK Architect OfficeArchitect designer, CEO 

19952005 Pécsi Műterem Architect Office – Architect designer, co-owner 



2022 Circus Buildings in Europe International Scientific Conference - Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest 

2016 12Th Miklós Iványi International PhD & DLA Symposium architectural, engineering and information sciences University of Pécs (UP), Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Pécs 

2018 Budapest Design Week participation in exhibitions, lectures, workshops and open studios 



2022 TEACHER OF THE YEAR award from students 

2021 PTE MIK Student Self-Government Recognition Award for outstanding student-friendly attitude and exemplary teaching professionalism 

2021 PTE MIK Dean Commemorative Medal in recognition of 32 years of teaching work 

2020 Forbát Alfréd Architectural AwardPécs, Hungary, I.PRIZE 

2019 PTE Rector’s Recognition Degree for the tutorial activity of the Ildikó Kriszbacher Scolarship 

2019 Jubilee Degree of PTE Rector and Chancellor for recognition of 30 years of tacher-civil employee 

2019 B2 Vocational College Commemorative Medal for outstanding mentoring 

2017 PTE Rector's Certificate of recognition for the thesis supervisor of the New National Excellence Program 

2015 XXXII. OTDK Presidential Recognition Diploma for supervising activities 

2015 PTE Rector’s Recognition Degree for the tutorial activity of the Ildikó Kriszbacher Scolarship 

2015 PTE MIK Dean's Commendation Diploma for the consulting work of the Science and Art Student Circle 

2014 PTE MIK Dean's Commendation Diploma for the consulting work of the Science and Art Student Circle 

2013 XXXI. OTDK Presidential Recognition Diploma for supervising activities 



(Most significants from the last six years) 

2016 Architectural design, design supervision and technical coordination of the Cistercian Accommodation at István tér 6, Pécswith Judit Széll, Gábor Kis-Simon  

2017 Facade renovation of Our Lady of the Canons Order Convent Church  

2017 Cistercian Order Lajos Nagy Grammar School, transformation, energy renovation and technical managementwith Judit Széll, Gábor Kis-Simon 

2018 Oratory renovation of Our Lady of the Female Canon Order Convent Church with Judit Széll, Gábor Kis-Simon 

2018 Architectural design of the Establishment of the IT laboratory and cellar club of CNK St. Margaret's Primary School with Judit Széll, Gábor Kis-Simon 

2018 Renovation of the German wing of CNK St. Margaret's Primary School with Judit Széll, Gábor Kis-Simon 

2019 Design and renovation of Isaszegi District Medical Office with Judit Széll, Gábor Kis-Simon 

2019 Design of Cecei Brewery with Judit Széll, Gábor Kis-Simon 

2020 Design and technical management of Egyházasharaszti Nursery School with Judit Széll, Gábor Kis-Simon 

2020 Renovation of Nagyvázsonyi Mill with Judit Széll, Gábor Kis-Simon 

2021 Design and technical management of Hidasi market with Judit Széll, Gábor Kis-Simon 

2021 Design and technical management of Villánykövesd playground – with Judit Széll, Gábor Kis-Simon 

2022 Architectural design, design supervision, renovation and technical coordination of the Czuba-Durozier Castle with Judit Széll, Gábor Kis-Simon 



(5 most significant from the last five years) 


2020 Formex Algebra Adaptation into Parametric Design Tools and Rotational Grids Réka SÁRKÖZI, Péter IVÁNYI, Attila Béla SZÉLL, POLLACK PERIODICA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES 15 : 2 pp. 152-165. , 14 p. (2020) DOI: 10.1556/606.2020.15.2.14, Volume 15, 2020 –  Issue 2,  

2019 Correlation Between the Static Behaviour of Dome Structures and their Graph Characteristics Réka SÁRKÖZI, Péter IVÁNYI, Attila Béla SZÉLL, Proceedings, 18th Conference on Applied Mathematics Aplimat 2019. Bratislava, Szlovákia : Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (2019) pp. 1036-1041., 6 p. (2019) 

2019 Histprical Preludes of Parametric Design Techniques - Réka SÁRKÖZI, Péter IVÁNYI, Attila Béla SZÉLL, Places and Technologies, 6th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies 2019. Pécs, Magyarország: Pécsi Tudományegyetem Műszaki és Informatikai Kar (2019) 158 p. pp. 135-135., 1 p. (2019) 

2018 Parametric Workshop, generative installation at the the University of Pécs (UP), Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, co-author, mentor 

2018 NEST Orfű pier installation with B2 vocational college, co-author, mentor 



  • Member of Chamber of Hungarian Architects (MÉK) architect (No: É -1-02-0221) since 1995 

  • Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), member of the public body, member of Scientific Committee for Architecture 




  • Lakni kell! /We all need a home: Annual workshop aiming the creation of installations raising awareness of homelessness and the design and development of living spaces in shelters in cooperation with non-profit organizations.  

  • Bőköz Festival participation: Creating installations at a 4-day annual event in one of Hungary's economically poorest but culturally richest regions. 

  • Eco House Tender: Conference for Hungarian vocational secondary schools, with the purpose of making young people aware of the possibilities offered by eco-conscious, energy-saving solutions in architecture. 

  • Researchers' Nights - Geometry in Architecture: Annual scientific event aiming to break down the stereotypes regarding researchers and their position in the world of science and work.  

  • Summer creative camp for the children of the University of Pécs (UP), Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology’s employees: Aims to learn the basics of architecture among children through community building games. 

  • Solar Decathlon Europe 2022 International Construction Innovation Competition: The team of the the University of Pécs (UP), Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (Lungs of the city Team) has designed and built a multifunctional residential house with special solutions for this year's Solar Decathlon competition in Wuppertal, based on renewable energy sources. 

Announced Topics

A népi építészet és a kulturális örökségvédelem bemutatása egy kihalt falu, Kán újjáélesztése során
A kutatás tárgya túlmutat az egyes házak felújításán. A halott település egészét vizsgálva kell feléleszteni a falut. Mindez magába foglalja a meglévő romos épületek felmérését, a falutörténeti kutatásokat, társadalomtudományi, szociológiai elemzéseket. Ezt követheti a helyi védelem megalkotás, a rendezési terv elkészítése az épületek korhű (autentikus) felújítása, átépítése, építése. Mindemellett döntő a falu újrahasznosítására felélesztésére irányuló törekvés is.