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Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
University of Pécs
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Dr. István Gyurcsek
Dr. István Gyurcsek
master lecturer
Professional CV




M.Sc. graduated Electronics Engineer with degree of Dr. Univ. in Physics having years of broad experience and engineering background within the Information & Communications Technology (ICT), including project management, technical support and training / coaching expertise in local and international projects. Key strengths include an in depth knowledge of the commercial and financial market, tender procedures, technical knowledge of development, implementation and commissioning test of software applications, process control, database, office automation and a good understanding and considerable experience of working in a multicultural environment. Worked for principal software houses, telecommunications operators, manufacturers and higher educational institutions and being actively involved in large project executions. In addition, representative at various international conferences and in the presentation of appropriate papers. Major achievements include fifty professional publications, five patents and eight textbooks on the subjects of data acquisition, process control and applied telecommunication technologies,  “The Golden Degree of Distinction for Inventors” awarded by the Hungarian Department of Trade and Industry (1989), “The Silver Degree of Pollack Mihály Medallion” awarded by University of Pécs (2022), "Lecturing Service Medallion" awarded by the Hungarian Department of Culture and Innovation (2023). Working for University of Pécs since 2013. Working also as delegated responsible on electrical and ICT related professional examinations on behalf of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce since 1999.


Work experience


Date (from – to)


2013 – TODAY

Name and address of employer


Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Pécs (FEIT UP)

Type of business or sector


Higher Education, Research and Development

Occupation or position held


Master Lecturer (FEIT UP), Member of Academic Appeals and Credit Transfer Committee (FEIT UP), Leader of the Consortium (Pollack Foundation for Higher Education Development)

Main activities and responsibilities


Lecturing at the University of Pécs in the fields of engineering and computer science. Research activity in the fields of electromagnetic compatibility, power quality analysis, and sensor networks. Membership in Academic Appeals and Credit Transfer Committee. Consortium leadership in Pollack Foundation for Higher Education Development. Delegated responsible on ICT and electrical engineering related professional examinations on behalf of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (BKIK, PBKIK)


Date (from – to)


2001 – 2013

Name and address of employer


Siemens Communications, Media and Technology GmbH, Vienna, Budapest

Type of business or sector


Telecommunication, Software Industry

Occupation or position held


Business Development Manager, Project Manager, Technical Sales Consultant

Main activities and responsibilities


Expert Sales and Business Development activity at local market in software development and integration of telecommunication related solutions and operation support for the Telco Operators and IT vendors in local market, Hungary. (Magyar Telekom, Pannon/Telenor, Vodafone, Invitel, TraffiCOM, NSN, KFKI...)

Technical Sales Support / Project Management in IN related services and solutions in international projects. (PT Luxembourg, Srpske Telekom BiH, TelEnergo/TP Poland, MT Kuwait/Dubai, MEGAFON Russia, Armentel, Armenia)

External lecturing partner at Corvinus University Budapest, in Siemens Academy.

Delegated responsible on ICT related professional examinations on behalf of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (BKIK)




Date (from – to)


1999 – 2001

Name and address of employer


EUROTREND Informatics Co. Ltd, Hungary

Type of business or sector


IT integration and solutions

Occupation or position held


System Integration Director

Main activities and responsibilities


Line management of the IT Division with business units of web design, network consulting and IT integration with main Customers in Public- and Bank sectors.


Date (from – to)


1998 – 1999

Name and address of employer


SYNERGON Informatics Plc, Hungary

Type of business or sector


IT integration and solutions

Occupation or position held


System Integration Director

Main activities and responsibilities


Line management of the ERP software department

Project Management of the ROSS Renaissance (ERP) software implementation for Szabolcs Gabona, Nyíregyháza, Team leading of HR software localization at Rebus Software Inc., Peterborough, UK.


Date (from – to)


1997 – 1998

Name and address of employer


Cable Services Group Systems Co. Ltd, Hungary

Type of business or sector


Application Software Development

Occupation or position held


Program Manager

Main activities and responsibilities


Project Management and Solution Architect activity implementing the 'Convergent Billing & Charging System' at UTI Hungary (Invitel).

Software localization of the billing & charging system at CSG HQ, Hilton Head Island, USA.

Implementing the convergent charging system for GNT Frankfurt, Germany.

Software architect and coaching activity at CSG UK, London-Slough.


Date (from – to)


1996 – 1997

Name and address of employer


MATÁV Plc. (Magyar Telekom), Hungary

Type of business or sector


Procurement Management (1996), IT Strategy and Trend Analysis (1997)

Occupation or position held


Senior Consultant

Main activities and responsibilities


Analyzing and re-engineering of procurement processes, developing business strategies for IT   Infrastructure Assessment at the Informatics Directorate Strategy Office.


Date (from – to)


1995 – 1996

Name and address of employer


Ammirati Puris Lintas Communication and Ad Marketing Co. Ltd, Hungary

Type of business or sector


IT operation support

Occupation or position held



Main activities and responsibilities


Line management of the IT Department of the Local Company in Budapest.


Date (from – to)


1990 – 1995

Name and address of employer


ÉLGAV Co. Ltd, Hungary

Type of business or sector


ERP System development and support

Occupation or position held


Head of Software Division

Main activities and responsibilities


Line management of the Software Division with responsibility of  leading the Network and System Integration Departments


Date (from – to)


1982 – 1990

Name and address of employer


Technical University of Budapest, Institute of Physics, Budapest, Hungary

Type of business or sector


Higher Education (Physics), Research and Development in Applied Physics

Occupation or position held


Senior Lecturer

 Main activities and responsibilities


Teaching Applied Physics in Hungary. Seconded to the Lodz Polytechnic, Poland



Date (from – to)


1981 – 1982

Name and address of employer


Water Board Authority, Computer Center, Hungary

Type of business or sector


Data Processing in IBM360 computing environment

Occupation or position held


System Engineer

Main activities and responsibilities


Operation support of IMB 360 and R40 computing environment. Seconded to ROBOTRON Gmbh, Leipzig, Germany


Date (from – to)


1980 – 1981

Name and address of employer


BEAG Audio Research Lab, Hungary

Type of business or sector


Research and Engineering

Occupation or position held


R&D Engineer

Main activities and responsibilities


R&D support of Active Noise Reduction audio systems,


Education and training


Date (from – to)



Name and type of organization providing education and training


Technical University of Budapest

Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


Applied Physics

Title of qualification awarded


Degree of Dr. Univ. in Applied Physics


Date (from – to)



Name and type of organization providing education and training


Technical University of Budapest

Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


Electronics Engineering, Telecommunication, Acoustics

Title of qualification awarded


Degree of M.Sc. In Electronics Engineering


Date (from – to)



Name and type of organization providing education and training


Siemens Training Center, Vienna, Munich

Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


Intelligent Network Solutions, Qualified Project Management with skills of PMP, PEPP, PRINCE2, SUMMIT, ARIS methodologies. Software architect & development knowledge.

IT Service Management & ITIL Experience Financial Processes, ECC, Contracting, Coaching Personal/Management Skills...

Title of qualification awarded


Siemens Certificate Papers


Date (from – to)



Name and type of organization providing education and training


MATÁV Training Center Budapest, Balatonkenese

Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


Procurement Planning and Controlling, Project Management, Database Administration (ORACLE), Software Design (Power Designer), Management and Personal Coaching.

Title of qualification awarded


MATÁV Certificates


Date (from – to)



Name and type of organization providing education and training


Technical University Budapest, Institute of Post-gradual Engineering

Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


Software development, Computer networks, data acquisition and process controlling

Title of qualification awarded


Post.-gradual Engineering Certificates




Date (from – to)



Name and type of organization providing education and training


ROBOTRON Schulung Zentrum, Leipzig

Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


ESZR data processing systems, peripheries

Title of qualification awarded


ROBOTRON Certificates


Personal skills

and competences


Mother tongue




Other languages









Adv. Intermediate (C level)

Adv. Intermediate (C level)

Adv. Intermediate (C level)



Basic (University exam)

Basic (University exam)

Basic (University exam)







Social skills

and competences


Patient, helpful and experienced team player with work experience in large international teams.

Live and work in multicultural environment.


Organizational skills

and competences


Ability to lead and organize the efficient team work in multicultural environment.

Prepare lectures, and hold presentations as daily routine


Technical skills

and competences


Experience and deep knowledge in Telecommunications (Core Network, OSS/BSS) and Convergent Charging & Billing, CRM, Total Resource Management Systems. Architect level knowledge of IT infrastructures and relational database technologies. Familiar with Office Applications


Other skills

and competences


Practice and experience in teaching & coaching.

Ready to travel for working abroad.


Driving license


Clean, B category


Additional information


Selected Publications


Fundamentals of Electrical Measurements Textbook for the University, Pécs 2019

Electrical Circuits Exercises Textbook for the University, Pécs 2019

Theories in Electric Circuits Textbook for the University, Pécs 2016

E-Systems in Civil Services Textbook for the Corvinus University, Budapest 2008

Prepaid Service for mobile network operators Armantel Seminar, Yerevan 2004

Convergent Billing Solutions GNT Conference, Frankfurt 1998

New Principles and Equipment for Moisture Detection PATENT 1987

Physics and Computing Exercises Textbook for the Technical University, Budapest 1985

New Measuring Methods for QA in the Aluminum Industry PATENT NO. 5381/89

New Method for Ignition Control of Engines PATENT NO. 2688/87

Computer Aided Thermal Processes Control in Industrial Furnaces PATENT NO. 190.571

Moisture Dependent Thermal Transport in Membrane Layer Structures Dr. Univ. Thesis,1986

Physics for Architects Textbook for the Technical University, Budapest 1983


Leisure activities


Photography, hiking, fishing, orienteering




Dr. Elmer György, Dr. Kvasznicza Zoltán, Dr. Gyurcsek István, Dr. Bagdán Viktor: Elektromágneses zavarás a klinikán. Elektrotechnika MEE 117. évf. 2024/1-2. 18-20. old.


Gy. Elmer,V. Bagdán, Z. Kvasznicza, I. Gyurcsek: EM interference at the clinic – A case study. 2022 International Conference on Communications, Information, Electronic and Energy Systems (CIEES 2022) 24 – 26 November, 2022, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, ISBN: 978-1-6654-9149-5


V. Bagdán, I. Gyurcsek, Gy. Elmer, Z. Kvasznicza: Human Exposure to Ultrasonic Noise. Bioacoustic Measurements. International Conference of Biomedical Engineering and Innovation 24 – 26 October, 2022, Szentágothai Research Centre, Pécs, Hungary


Gyurcsek I.: Halljuk-e az ultrahangokat? Kutatók éjszakája, PTE MIK, Pécs 2022, (


Gyurcsek I.: #noGPS - Terepi tájékozódási és túra alapismeretek gyűjteménye, GlobeEdit, OmniSciptum GmbH & Co KG, 2022, ISBN: 978-613-9-41593-9, 77 old.


Gyurcsek I.: Missziókritikus elektronikai áramkörök EMC emissziós vizsgálata GTEM cella alkalmazásával. MIK PARTNERS Szakmai Nap 2021 (4. szekció), PTE MIK, Pécs, 2021. október 7.


Z. Kvasznicza, I. Gyurcsek, Gy. Elmer, V. Bagdán, I. Horváth: Mathability of EMC Emission Testing for Mission Crucial Devices in GTEM Waveguide, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, ISSN: 1785-8860, DOI: 10.12700/APH.18.1.2021.1.10, pp. 159-173


Gyurcsek I.: Milyen színű egy elektron? … vagy inkább: Hogyan lehet megmérni a színeket? Kutatók éjszakája, PTE MIK, Pécs 2019, (


I. Gyurcsek: Fundamentals of Electrical Measurements, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Pécs, 2019 ISBN:978-963-429-384-2, p.169


I. Gyurcsek: Electrical Circuits – Exercises, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Pécs, 2019 ISBN:978-963-429-385-9, p.134


Z. Kvasznicza, Gy. Elmer, I. Gyurcsek, F. Susac, P. Elter: GTEM Waveguide for EMC Testing of Auto-Electronic Elements, 36th International Scientific Conference (Science in Practice 2018) Budapest, Hungary, Published by Óbuda University, Kandó Kálmán Faculty of Electrical Engineering, ISBN 978-963-449-096-8 p. 149 


K. Máté, Gy. Elmer, I. Gyurcsek, Z. Kvasznicza: A study on the influence of power frequency electric field on radon daughters, 36th International Scientific Conference (Science in Practice 2018) Budapest, Hungary, Published by Óbuda University, Kandó Kálmán Faculty of Electrical Engineering, ISBN:978-963-449-096-8 p. 149 


Gyurcsek I.: Szeretjük vagy nem szeretjük a torzított villamos jeleket?, Kutatók éjszakája, PTE MIK, Pécs 2017, (


I. Gyurcsek: Innovative Scanning Method in Non-Destructive Roof Moisture Diagnostics. 35th International Scientific Conference (Science in Practice 2017) Pécs, Hungary, Published by University of Pécs ( ISBN: 978-963-429-131-2 (electronic) pp. 60-64.


I. Gyurcsek: Innovative Scanning Method in Non-Destructive Roof Moisture Diagnostics
35th International Scientific Conference (Science in Practice 2017) Pécs, Hungary, Published by University of Pécs ( ISBN:978-963-429-130-5 (printed) pp. 60-64.


I. Gyurcsek, Gy. Elmer: Theories in Electric Circuits. GlobeEdit, OmniSciptum GmbH & Co KG, 2016, ISBN:978-3-330-71341-3, p.324


Elmer Gy., Gyurcsek I.: Az érzékeny elektronika esete a hurokimpedancia-méréssel
Elektrotechnika MEE 109. évf. 2016/9 12-14. old.


Gy. Elmer, I. Gyurcsek: Lessons from a Loop Impedance Test, 34th International Scientific Conference (Science in Practice 2016), Subotica, Serbia, Published by Subotica Tech – College of Applied Sciences (, ISBN: 978-86-918815-1-1 paper e-g


Gyurcsek I.: Okos villamos fogyasztók - avagy, tényleg „szennyezzük” a villamos hálózatot? Kutatók éjszakája, PTE MIK, Pécs 2016, (


Dr. Kvasznicza Z., Horváth I., Dr. Gyurcsek I., Dr. Szabó A., Gunszt D.né: Intézményi fehérkönyv a duális villamosmérnök BSc képzéshez. „A gépészeti és informatikai ágazatok duális és moduláris képzéseinek kialakítása a Pécsi Tudományegyetemen” TÁMOP – 4.1.1.F. 14/1/KONV-2015-0009, 2015, ISBN: 978-963-429-007-0, p 155


Radnóti F., Gyurcsek I.: A mobil távközlési technológiák, aktuális trendek és fejlődési irányok, Pólus Klaszter Konferencia, RIU_07-DA_RIU07, Szeged 2010


Dékán I., Gyurcsek I., … : Hungarian Photo World 2009 - Fotóvilág 2009 (angol- magyar) Dékán Stúdió Kft, Budapest, 2009, ISBN:978-963-066-170-6, 276 old.


Zemplén B., Gyurcsek I., Horváth Zs., Kajó G., Kamuthy L., Marton T., Mocsáry L., Rajnai J., Veress A.: Elektronikus rendszerek a közigazgatásban. E-Government Alapítvány, Budapest, 2008, ISBN:978-963-9753-13-6, ISSN:1785-6108;5, 165 old.


I. Gyurcsek, T. Pósa: AyCare: a sensory presence for the elderly and disabled (paper id: 76) Regional Conference of Embedded and Ambient Systems (RCEAS) , Budapest,  2007 p.6 


Gyurcsek I., Oláh G.: Fast post-processing method and algorithm in ’Televoting’ Intelligent Network Service. Service Innovation #570.512.08/2007 (Siemens Internal)


Gyurcsek I.: Minőség, projekt és egyéb szervezési kérdések értelmezése nagyvállalati struktúrában. IV. Minőségügyi napok konferencia, Veszprémi Egyetem, 2005


Gyurcsek I.: Mobil parkolási megoldások. Első Magyar Mobil-közigazgatási Tudományos Konferencia, Budapest Corvinus Egyetem, 2005


I. Gyurcsek, E. Holubecs: Prepaid Services and Solutions for Mobile Network Operators. Armentel Seminar, Yerevan, 2004


Gyurcsek I.: IN alapú szolgáltatások vezetékes hálózatokban. MATÁV Konferencia, Budapest, 2002


I. Gyurcsek: Convergent Charging and Billing for Telecommunication Services
General Networks and Telecommunications Conference, Frankfurt am Main, 1998


Ring G., Gyurcsek I., Simon Gy.: Eljárás és berendezés hengerelt, sajtolt, húzott, kovácsolt öntve hengerelt, félkész és kész termékek minősítéséhez az anyag makro- és mikroszerkezetének roncsolásmentes vizsgálata alapján, BME szolgálati szabadalom 5381/89. sz.


Gyurcsek I., Ring G.: Hőkezelő kemencék számítógépes folyamatszabályozása mesterséges intelligencia alkalmazásával, Magyar Elektronika 1990.


Ring G., Gyurcsek I., Gazdag T.: Eljárás tetőkbe, különösen egyhéjú, lapos-, melegtetőkbe bejutó, ill. ott kialakuló nedvesség mértékének és eloszlásának meghatározására, valamint a nedvesség megszüntetésére. BME szolgálati szabadalom Lajstromszám: 190.571


Ring G., Gyurcsek I.: Fizikai és számítógépes gyakorlatok. Tankönyvkiadó Budapest 1989. J8-353, 174 old.


Gyurcsek I.: Számítógépes folyamatirányító rendszerek az alumínium kohászatban
Fémkohászati Konferencia, Sopron,1989.


Gyurcsek I., Ring G.: Lapostetők és falak nedvességtartalmának roncsolásmentes mérése. Mérés és Automatika 1987./ 64-67.old.


Ring G., Gazdag T., Gyurcsek I.: Eljárás anyagszerkezetben jelenlevő nedvesség térbeli eloszlásának roncsolásmentes meghatározására, BME szolgálati szabadalom 1586/87. sz.


Ring G., Gyurcsek I.: Eljárás és kapcsolási elrendezés benzin üzemű motorok gyújtásának szabályozására. BME szolgálati szabadalom 2688/


Ring G., Gyurcsek I., Simon Gy.: Eljárás és berendezés, többszelvényű hőkezelő kemencék hőmérsékletének számítógépes szabályozására, figyelembe véve a hőkezelt anyag tömegét. BME szolgálati szabadalom 5643/87. sz.


Ring G., Gyurcsek I.: Napsugárzásra vonatkozó abszorpciós tényező mérése, figyelembe véve az építészeti hőtechnikai tervezés szempontjait, Mérés és Automatika 1986./9. sz. 348-354. old.


Ring G., Gyurcsek I., Klemm P.: Termotechniczne zachowanie sie dachówálekkiej konstrukcji w zleznosci od zawartosci wilgoci Inzynieria i Budownictwo 1986./8. 284-288.p. (Poland)


Ring G., Klemm P., Gyurcsek I.: Egyhéjú tetőszerkezetek nedvességfüggő hőtechnikai viselkedése, Könnyűszerkezetű tetők, Nehézszerkezetű tetők, Építés és Kutatás Fejlesztés 1986./ 7-16.old.


Ring G., Gyurcsek I.: Fizika építészmérnök hallgatók számára. Tankönyvkiadó Budapest 1986. J8-342, 315 old.


Gyurcsek I.: Egyhéjú membrán szerkezetek nedvességdiagnosztikája a hőtechnikai tervezés szempontjából (Moisture distribution dependent thermal transport in FMS structures.) Egyetemi doktori dolgozat (dr. univ. thesis) BME Fizikai Intézet, 1986, 86 old.


Ring G., Gazdag T., Gyurcsek I.: Új, roncsolásmentes nedvességmérési módszerek a tető- és falszerkezetek vizsgálatára, Építéstechnika 1985./5. sz. 100-102. old.


Gyurcsek I.: Lapos tetők nedvességtartalmának műszeres meghatározása. BME Szakmérnöki Konferencia, 1985.


Gyurcsek I.: Lapostetők nedvességdiagnosztikája, a roncsolásmentes nedvességmérés lehetőségei DE Szakmérnöki Konferencia, Ybl M. Építőipari Műszaki Főiskola Debrecen 1985.


Ring G., Gazdag T., Gyurcsek I.: Új mérési eljárások, mérőműszerek a lapostetők nedvesség diagnosztikai vizsgálatában, Építésügyi Műszaki és Gazdasági Tájékoztató 1984./9. sz. 64-67. old.


Gyurcsek I., Ring G.: Hazai mérőműszer tetőfödémek nedvességdiagnosztikai vizsgálatához. Mérés és Automatika 1984./6. 236-239. old.


Ring G., Gazdag T., Gyurcsek I.: Tetőfödémek műszeres nedvességdiagnosztikája
Szakipari Technika 1984./2. 39-42. old.